Accident Reporting

Click here to report a student / staff / visitor accident.
Should you be injured at work or while performing work related duties, the following requirements and restrictions will apply:
- Report your injury as soon as practical to your supervisor, but no later than the end of your work shift. Once an injury occurs, all of your actions must be designed to safely conclude your immediate tasks (if necessary) and report your injury.
- Medical treatment for your injury is the first priority and first aid measures must be applied immediately. If treatment at a medical facility is required, notify your supervisor and they will assist in providing transportation to the nearest medical center.
- Retrieve all necessary paperwork from your supervisor prior to leaving the workplace.
- Note: The accident reporting package contains all the necessary paperwork you will need to complete for your injury as well as important information for your health care provider and that is why it is necessary to have the package in hand, prior to leaving the workplace to seek medical treatment.
- At the medical center, have the health care provider complete the Occupational Health Assessment Form (OHAF) if your injury will require you to have modified/light duties or reduced work hours. This form will provide your employer with your functional abilities and assist them in accommodating you at work.
- Provide all completed paperwork to your supervisor the same day/next day/or before the start of your next shift, whichever is sooner. Both teaching and non-teaching staff will have paperwork to complete and return.
- Non-Teaching Staff Accident Reporting Package:
- Teachers/Consultants Accident Reporting Package:
- Note: All non-teaching employees filing a WCB claim with their doctor need to have reported their accident to their supervisor; completed and returned the appropriate paperwork to their supervisor to ensure that their claims will be initiated and that they are appropriately paid.
- The injured staff member requiring modified/light duties or reduced work hours must supply their supervisor with a completed Occupational Health Assessment Form (OHAF). The form must indicate what your functional abilities are so the school division can provide you with modified/light duties/or alternate work to accommodate your injury and prevent time loss. The form must be supplied the same day or next day after the appointment but no later. You are required to provide your employer with a written update after each reassessment. If there are no changes to your functional abilities, a doctors note stating no change is sufficient. If your functional abilities have changed your doctor must complete the Occupational Health Assessment Form.
- Once completed, all documentation (WCB Green Card, WCB Worker Incident Report, and doctor’s notes/OHAF) must be forwarded to the division’s Safety Officer for follow up. Once all the paperwork has been received by the Safety Officer, a WCB claim will be initiated for the worker.
- The supervisor and S&H Committee worker representative must initiate an accident investigation to determine the cause of the incident and implement control measures to prevent the incident from happening again. An investigation report must be completed and forwarded to the divisional Safety Officer.
- The Safety Officer will initiate an investigation for any serious injuries to ensure that control measures have been implemented and, where appropriate, lead to changes to the division’s safe work practices and policies. All severe cases will be reported to the Secretary Treasurer and to the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Policy.
- Any issues arising out of the accident or near miss must be discussed at the next Health and Safety Committee meeting to ensure follow up and implementation of corrective measures have occurred.
If you or your family is having difficulty dealing with the effects on an injury please call the WCB Distress Line. Trained counsellors from the Klinic Community Health Centre are available 24/7. The service is free of charge. Phone #204-786-8175.
Useful Links
- Accident Investigation Report Form
- Return to Work - Administrative Practice
- Return to Work - Disability Management Booklet
- Manitoba Education & Training - Serious Incident Report Form
- MSBA - Accident Reporting Website
- Request for Immunization Form
- Memo - Immunization Against Tetanus and Hep B
- Student Accident Insurance - Parent Forms
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