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Divisional Policies - G

Section G: Personnel

Section G of the NEPN-NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on all school employees except for the superintendent (policies on the school chief are located in Section C, General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions: GB has policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support or classified staff.

The columns to the left indicate the presence of a policy, regulation or exhibit applicable to The Pembina Trails School Division.

GAPersonnel Policies/Priority ObjectivesPolicy  
GBAEqual Employment OpportunityPolicy  
GBBStaff Involvement in Decision Making (Also   ABB)Policy  
GBEAStaff Ethics/Conflict of InterestPolicyRegulation 
GBEBBStaff Interaction with Students (Also  GBAA, JM)PolicyRegulation 
GBEBBAStaff Protection from Assault by Parents/PublicPolicy  
GBECAlcohol and Drug Abuse and Drug Free Environment Policy  
GBEDSmoke Free WorkplacePolicy  
GBEETechnology Acceptable Use Policy for EmployeesPolicyRegulation 
GBGSafety and HealthPolicy  
GBGAEmployee Health Services and RequirementsPolicy

GBGAACommunicable Disease - EmployeesPolicy  
GBGBAEmployee Violent Incident ReportingPolicyRegulation 
GBGBBHarassment (See   GBAA)   
GBIStaff Participation in Political ActivitiesPolicy  
GBJPersonnel Records and FilesPolicyRegulation 
GBJCCriminal Record and Child Abuse Registry CheckPolicyRegulationExhibit
GBJDAccess and Privacy
GBKStaff Concerns/Complaints and GrievancesPolicyRegulation 
GBLAExtra Curricular Recognition



GCAAInstructional Staff PositionsPolicy  
GCABAdministrative Staff PositionsPolicy  
GCBBAdministrative Staff Contracts and CompensationPolicy  
GCCProfessional Staff Leaves and AbsencesPolicy  Exhibit
GCCAASick Leave - Instructional StaffPolicy  
GCCAGSecondment of Instruction Staff Policy  
GCCAHJury Duty-Witness Service Policy  
GCFAHiring Instructional StaffPolicy  
GCGCJob Sharing in Professional Staff PositionsPolicyRegulation 
GCHProfessional Staff Orientation and TrainingPolicy  
GCMCParent Conferences, Staff Meetings, and School MeetingsPolicy  
GCQFDiscipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional StaffPolicy  
GCTExchange TeachingPolicyRegulation 
GDASupport Staff PositionsPolicy  
GDCSupport Staff Leaves and Absences  Exhibit
GDHSupport Staff Orientation and TrainingPolicy  
GDQBResignation of Support StaffPolicy  
GDQDDiscipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Support StaffPolicy  

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