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Grade 5 and 6 students explore and learn at the Farm & Food Discovery Centre (video)

On May 22nd students in grade 5 & 6 from Bairdmore, Laidlaw, Beaverlodge, Oakenwald, and River West Park Schools explored the Farm & Food Discovery Centre in Glenlea, Manitoba. Students were educated by Manitoba Chicken Producers, Egg Farmers of Manitoba, Manitoba Pork Council, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba as well as the University of Manitoba – Faculty of Agriculture staff. 

Through interactive, hands-on stations, students gained understanding of where their food comes and were able to view the 50 cow herd in the dairy barn, piglets in the hog barn, and learned the process of raising chickens. 

Students rolled up their sleeves and planted their own personal strawberry plant as a take away from the farm. It was an exciting day filled with fun and education about food sustainability. 

Thank you to the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture staff and the commodity groups for making this a fun day of learning for the students.

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