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Can anyone beat Vincent Massey's senior boy's volleyball team?


What do the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1948 Calgary Stampeders, the 2002 Brazilian men’s World Cup team and the 2019 US Women’s World Cup teams have in common? They never suffered a loss.


The Vincent Massey Collegiate boys volleyball team is on a similar path to perfection, having won every tournament they’ve played in this season so far. 



If the second half of their impressive season is as successful as their first half, the Trojans – the number one ranked volleyball team in the province – will join the ranks of other teams who had truly historic seasons.  


There is a saying in sports that “success breeds success.” That clearly seems to be happening with the Trojans as they continue to rack up win after impressive win.



Few things in sport are as unattainable as the idea of perfection. Best of luck to the Trojans in the second half of their remarkable season. 


Read more about this incredible team and their incredible season here from the Free Press.


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