School of Choice
Pembina Trails students are encouraged to attend one of their ‘neighbourhood schools’ – a school within their catchment area. However, if you wish to enroll your child in a school outside of your catchment area, or if you live outside of the Pembina Trails School Division and would like to register your child at one of our schools, you may submit a School of Choice (SOC) request.
Within Division School of Choice Form
Out-of-Division School of Choice Form
Several schools are not in a position to consider School of Choice due to over-enrolment. Many schools in the southern area of the division are at or above building occupancy limits and are either closed to SOC or accepting very few applications. The following schools are closed to SOC applications for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Acadia Junior High
- Bairdmore School
- École Crane
- Fort Richmond Collegiate
- Ralph Maybank School
- École South Pointe
- Whyte Ridge School
You may submit a SOC application directly to the school as of 8:30 am on Tuesday, January 9th. Applications will be time-stamped and will not be accepted before this date. Any applications sent before this date and time will not be kept or responded to.
School of Choice applications are reviewed and approved by the principal and the Assistant Superintendent: Personnel & Education Services based on provincial guidelines after the due date. SOC applications must be submitted no later than May 15th to be considered for the following school year. Applications submitted after May 15th may not be considered.
The process for acceptance is not influenced by:
- Daycare needs.
- Parental pressure.
- Older siblings having previously attended the school.
- Strengths or needs of an individual student.
- The process for acceptance is influenced by:
- The date - stamped applications.
- 1st priority: Living in the school division and having a sibling currently attending the school.
- 2nd priority: Living in the school division.
- 3rd priority: Living in another division and having a sibling currently attending the school.
- 4th priority: Living in another division.
The ability for schools to accept School of Choice applications is also influenced by the school population, physical capacity of the school, and grade-by-grade availability.
Please register at your home school. If the student is accepted to our school their information will be transferred to the school.
Schools do not start accepting students outside catchment areas until April, at the earliest. All catchment students need to be accounted for and have a place in a classroom before a principal may accept enrollment of students under School of Choice.
- School of Choice in-division and out-of-division applicants will be notified of acceptance in April if PTC was able to accept the student as an in-division or out-of-division schools of choice applicant. Selections will be determined by space availability at each grade. Please refer to the Pembina Trails Schools of Choice Guidelines.
After filling in the school of choice form please email it to us at If you have any questions, please email, or call 204.489.8989.
Once your application has been accepted you will be asked to complete a registration form and provide applicable documentation.
After filling in the registration form, and making copies or scanning in the documentation, please email them to us at If you have any questions, please email, or call 204.489.8989.
* Accepted in-division or out-of-division SOC students are not eligible for bussing.
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