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Industry Wednesdays - Grade 9 Mentorship

At PTEC, TECH MB provides us with industry leaders who share with our students insights into the day in the life of a techie! Tech members in our community present students with a view of both individual and workplace pathways. This provides great opportunities for students to engage with professionals in the sectors that they are learning to fulfill. Students get to see what goes on behind the newest technology being developed and are able to interact with industry leaders who develop and create it. A wide array of industry members come to PTEC to present. We have folks in cyber security, agriculture, medicine, software dev, and game development to name a few. Industry Wednesdays are a great way to understand the roles and careers in our industry and the opportunities that come with working in the IT sector. 

If you are interested in being a mentor and getting to see why our students are so incredible, please contact us


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