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Who We Are


Welcome to École secondaire Oak Park High School, a grade 9 to grade 12 dual track high school. Oak Park High School is committed to providing a safe, accepting and academically challenging environment. By so doing, the school gives each student the opportunity to develop critical thinking and decision making skills, an understanding of social responsibility, and a strong feeling of self worth.

In addition to the comprehensive range of academic courses, students can enrol in a wide variety of programs such as Fine Arts, French Immersion, Leadership, Career Development and courses at Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT).

At Oak Park, we nurture the potential for growth in all of our students by offering a wide variety of extracurricular activities such as participating in over a dozen student council committees and extensive athletic activities. Students who are involved in extracurricular activities enjoy a rewarding and enriched school experience.

Pembina Trails School Division is committed to the International Student Program. Oak Park has been an eager participant in this program, hosting many international students from such countries as Mexico, Brazil, Japan and Germany. This excellent program provides Oak Park students with an exciting opportunity to gain new friends as well as a greater global perspective.

The staff at Oak Park takes a personal interest in each student and we are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and academically challenging environment. At Oak Park, we offer every student the best opportunities to develop their physical and mental abilities as well as their sense of social responsibility. In doing so, we strive to help our students become healthy, intelligent and caring members of their community. We also believe learning is a lifelong process that does not end at graduation. The critical thinking and decision making skills developed at Oak Park will equip our students for a rich, rewarding and successful future.

Mission, Beliefs and Goals

École secondaire Oak Park High School provides a safe, inclusive, and engaging learning environment which nurtures exceptional character and inspires excellence in academics, the arts, and athletics.

L’École secondaire Oak Park High School offre un environnement d’apprentissage sécuritaire, inclusif, et engageant qui favorise un caractère moral exceptionnel et l’excellence dans les domaines académique, artistique et athlétique.

At École secondaire Oak Park High School, we believe that:

  • All members of our school community have the right to a learning environment where they are valued and respected
  • Learning is a life-long process where all students are given opportunities to develop a variety of skills that prepare them to be productive citizens
  • All staff will consciously and continuously engage in professional learning opportunities
  • All students will have the opportunity to become active, responsible, proud, multilingual global citizens

À l’École secondaire Oak Park High School, nous croyons que :

  • Tous les membres de notre communauté scolaire ont le droit d’accéder à un environnement d'apprentissage où ils sont valorisés et respectés
  • L'apprentissage est un processus continu qui permet aux étudiants de profiter d’expériences qui développeront une variété de compétences et les prépareront à devenir des citoyens productifs
  • Tout le personnel s’engagera d’une façon consciente et continue à créer des occasions d'apprentissage professionnel
  • Tous les élèves auront l’occasion de devenir des citoyens du monde qui sont actifs, responsables, fiers et plurilingues

Therefore, our goals are that:

  • All students will be personally and intellectually engaged in their learning
  • All students will experience a variety of instructional and assessment methods
  • All members of our school community will demonstrate positive character traits
  • All students will experience and celebrate languages and cultures
  • All students will be literate
  • All students will graduate from high school

Par conséquent, nos objectifs sont les suivants :

  • Tous les élèves, seront engagés dans leur apprentissage d’une façon personnelle et intellectuelle
  • Tous les élèves seront exposés à une variété de méthodes d'enseignement et d'évaluation
  • Tous les membres de notre communauté scolaire démontreront des traits de caractère positifs
  • Tous les élèves auront l’occasion de célébrer une variété de langues et de cultures
  • Tous les élèves seront alphabétisés
  • Tous les élèves obtiendront leur diplôme d’études secondaires

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