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Winter Weather

As the mercury drops, there will be days when normal school activities may change. During severe winter weather, keeping students safe is our main priority. Here is a list of what you need to know when it comes to snowstorms, cold weather and bus cancellations.

Cold Weather/Windchill Temperature

Indoor recess will be held when the temperature (ᵒC) or wind chill reaches or exceeds -27. Readings may be obtained from Environment Canada (The Forks) or at the weather stations located at various schools throughout Pembina Trails School Division. The principal will decide which weather information source will be used for the school.

Bus Transportation

School bus transportation may be cancelled even though schools may still be in session. Buses will not operate when the actual temperature at the Environment Canada weather station at The Forks reaches or exceeds -35ᵒC or when the wind chill reaches or exceeds -45 . 

Transportation cancellations are coordinated with all metro area school divisions at 6 a.m. For information on school bus transportation, parents should listen to a local radio station or check the Pembina Trails website and or social media accounts.

School Closures

The closing of schools is a coordinated decision involving all metro area school divisions. The Metro superintendents, representing school divisions in Winnipeg, make a uniform decision on closure and then notify local media. In making the decision on closure, the superintendents consider two questions:

  • Is Winnipeg Transit operating, and will it likely be able to continue operating for the duration of the day? 
  • Are emergency vehicles (police, fire, ambulance) able to get to the schools and will they be able to do so for the duration of the day? 


If the answer to both these questions is yes, then schools will remain open. All staff are expected to get to school. Keep in mind that if you are having difficulty in getting to work on time, so will school staff. This could mean limited staff available to receive your child when they arrive.

Having stated these guidelines, the safety of your children is the sole criteria in deciding whether or not to send them to school in storm situations. If you have any concerns about your child getting safely to and from school, please keep them at home.

For more information regarding winter weather, click here

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