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Bison Run School follows the Kindergarten to Grade 8 Manitoba Curriculum.  

Your child is most likely to succeed in school when you, as a parent or guardian, are informed and involved in their education.  Bison Run School staff recognizes and celebrates strong working relationships with you to ensure your child's success.

Manitoba Education and Training has published a website for parents titled My Child in School. This resource clearly and concisely explains:

  1. What your child is learning
  2. How your child is assessed
  3. Resources that support your child's learning
  4. Frequently asked questions    

At Bison Run School, we guide students towards excelling as learners through hands-on, interactive approaches to instruction in all curricular areas by providing:

  1. Self-directed, inquiry-based learning experiences
  2. Targeted literacy and numeracy instruction
  3. Balanced literacy programming
  4. Hands-on, interactive approaches to numeracy
  5. Differentiated learning
  6. Cross-curricular programming
  7. Enrichment opportunities

In addition to the core subjects, ELA, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics, students receive instruction in Music and or Band, Art, Physical Education and French. 

We value a collaborative working relationship with our parents. If at any time you have questions about your child's learning or progress, please contact your child's classroom teacher. 

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