Grade Seven
Core Courses
Grade seven students at Arthur A. Leach are all enrolled in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education; they will also complete a rotation of Applied Arts (Foods, Woods and Computers) in each of the three terms.
Options Courses
Students are exposed to ONE different option course and will receive three 40-minute classes per cycle. Each option is described below.
Art - The focus for this program is the identification of SELF, COMMUNITY and the WORLD. Students will create artwork in a variety of artistic media (ie. painting, drawing, sculpture, collage, printmaking). Emphasis will be placed on skill, knowledge and idea development through the use of an idea journal (sketchbook). Students will be exposed to historical and cultural examples of art, explore new artistic media and investigate the principles and elements of art. They will be encouraged to make authentic personal statements in their own artwork and respond to artwork by others.
Band - The Band Program allows students to pursue their love of music while collectively creating and pursuing a high degree of excellence in an exciting, performance-based class. The year includes many exciting co-curricular and extracurricular performance opportunities such as concerts and music festivals both in and outside of Winnipeg. Music education helps students become smarter, kinder, happier and more collaborative people! Prior music experience is an asset but is not required; all students have equal access to grade 7 Band.
Drama - Grade 7 Drama is an explorative introduction to drama. Students will cover the concepts of teambuilding/trust, pantomime, improvisation and script work in a non-threatening and safe environment. Old fashioned radio plays will be the grand finale of the year. Students will build strong interpersonal skills while participating in the activities and tasks.
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