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September 25th to October 2 marks the National Week for Truth and Reconciliation. Arthur A Leach staff and students engaged in deep learning and conversations about Residential Schools and the ongoing harms of colonization. Binesiikwe Singers drummed and sang to our school community on Tuesday morning, students read books, watched Run as One the Journey of the Frontrunners, wrote letters to the Prime Minister, and hung orange ribbons on the school fence to make our commitment to walk with Truth towards Reconciliation public. Special thanks to Kyle Copenace for sharing his family's story and singing to our school during our Friday Assembly.

Justice Murray Sinclair, the Chief Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, around the work bringing light to the Residential School system said, “We have not only opened people’s eyes, but we have turned people’s heads.  The ones who would look away now can no longer look away”… 


There were two injustices that occurred in Residential Schools:

  1. The first was the assault of Indigenous children.   They were taken from their homes and their families and subjected terrible atrocities.  These actions have led to generational trauma.  In the last few years, it has been brought to the attention of Canadians, that there were several children who died and their deaths were not officially recorded, leaving families with heavy grief and unanswered questions.  The taking of Indigenous children from their families did not end with Residential schools.   It continues today through other agencies.  This has to stop.

And the second injustice is…

  1. The rest of students in public schools in Canada were told that what was happening at Residential Schools was ok, which has led to generations of people devaluing Indigenous peoples and cultures. We cannot rest until we have unlearned all the lies of the past, have learned the truth, and have moved to reconciling the wrongs that are being done. 

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