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Holiday Cheer at École Dieppe

The giving spirit was in full force at École Dieppe this month. Through the generosity of the students and their families we increased our original plan from 9 hampers to 15 Christmas Cheer Board hampers. Students collected non-perishables, toys and donations. Grade 3 Isaac/Tugby students toured the school every morning to pick up donations, sort them and then organize the food and gifts into hampers. Hamper donations were full of food, a generous supply of gifts for the children, and hand-written cards. The students in 3 Isaac/Tugby really enjoyed helping and learned a lot about the needs of the community. One highlight was getting to go "shopping" for their hamper. Students also had the opportunity to select toys and to wrap all the presents. The critical thinking skills and problem solving necessary to wrap over 100 gifts was evident. Some of the wrapping didn't turn out exactly how the students wanted, and they all found it much harder than they expected!  

Some of the highlights of the project from the grade 3s

Brielle - "Helping the Christmas Cheer Board made me feel kind. I liked helping the families enjoy the best Christmas."

Maddy - "The best part was sorting all the food. The hardest part was wrapping all the toys." 

Nolan - "I like it when I help people, it feels great. We did this because we wanted to help others."

Rhea - "We did this project to help people in need and to help them have a happy holiday."

Scarlett - "When we did the Christmas Cheer Board work it made me feel happy because I thought about when the families would get the presents."

École Dieppe would like to extend a huge thank you to the community for the thoughtful and plentiful donations, as well as an extra thank you to the 9 families who offered to deliver the hampers to the families. This project was not possible without your generosity. 

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