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Staff Contact Information

If you have a comment, question or concern, we are here to help.  The staff at École Viscount Alexander makes every effort to address correspondence as quickly as possible.

Glenys MacLeod - Principal                                     

Stephanie Isaac - Vice-Principal                               

Nathan Wilson - Grade 5
Terry French - Grade 5                          

Nicole Bureau - Grade 5/6                  
Lucille Dufault - Grade 5/6                     
Chantale Rainka - Grade 5/6           

Julie Brétécher - Grade 6
Catherine Emanuel - Grade 6

Amanda Huot - Grade 7                               
Nacer Gharsalloui - Grade 7  
Gillian Lewis - Grade 7                                
Megan Restall-Conan - Grade 7               

Jazmin Bain - Grade 8 
Denise Dunbar - Grade 8                       
Colleen McMahon - Grade 8                 
Stephanie Turner - Grade 8                       

Connor Markesteyn - Physical Education                             
Ted Belanger - Physical Education
Tessa Springate - Band/Music
Jennifer Bevan - Library
Glenda Broughton - Art Grade 7 & 8
Chantal Sartoris - Art Grade 5 & 6, Graphic Arts
Victoria Wojakowski - Human Ecology

Vanessa Ahing - Student Support Services
Claire Mackley - Student Support Services
Stephanie Leclercq Rekken - Student Support Services
Landon Gibson - Guidance Counsellor

ela Anderson - Library Technician
Maguy Salomons - Educational Assistant
Tanner Smith - Educational Assistant
Ann Sim - Head Custodian
Mike Friday - Evening Custodian

Tracey Dionne - Administrative Secretary
Katsina Hull - Assistant Administrative Secretary

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