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3-B Supplies

Mr. Betteridge
2024 – 2025

For the upcoming school year, we will be doing a bulk purchase order of school supplies on your behalf. The quantities that we order will allow for stronger buying power. We have secured the best possible prices and this program offers benefits to parents, students and the classroom in general. 

Additionally, students are requested to bring the following items with them on the first day of school. They may have some of these items from previous years.

Classroom Supplies

  • 1 pack dry erase markers
  • 1 box large Ziploc bags
  • 1 box medium Ziploc bags
  • 2 boxes facial tissue
  • 1 back pack
  • 2 cylinders of anti-bacterial wipes
  • 1 set of headphones labeled with name in a Ziploc
  • A pair of indoor (classroom and Phys. Ed) and outdoor shoes

***Please make sure your child can tie their shoes if you are sending laces. If your child can’t tie their shoes please send velcro shoes.***

PE Supplies

  • gym shoes and deodorant (optional). A proper sport shoe is necessary for performance and to prevent injury. Please do not send lifestyle shoes, as they are not made athletic activities. Make sure that the shoe allows room to wiggle for toes, but is not so large that it can come off when a student is active.

FEES:  Student fees are $70.00 payable on Permission Click. The link will be sent to you in September. We cannot accept cash or cheque.

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